
Claim Free OrangeLayer Airdrop

Date: 2024-04-23 ~ 2024-05-12

State: ( 7 days left )

Rating: ★★★★★

Focus on: 124 followers


OrangeLayer airdrop introduction:

In the wave of cryptocurrency, OrangeLayer has brought revolutionary progress to the field of blockchain security with its unique positioning and innovative technology. As a staking infrastructure platform, OrangeLayer introduces Bitcoin's cryptoeconomic security to Ethereum, solving infrastructure security issues while avoiding unnecessary pressure on the Ethereum consensus mechanism.


How to get OrangeLayer airdrop:

1. Visit OrangeLayer's Holesky page.

2. Connect your wallet and change the network to Holesky.

3. Claim some Holesky ETH and wBTC from their faucet.

4. Click “COSTAKE” and then “Use Max” to approve and deposit wBTC.

5. Once you have completed these steps, you can start staking your wBTC and earn Orange Points.

6. You can also earn more points by participating in their Galxe Airdrop page.

7. Users who collect points are likely to receive airdrops when their tokens are listed.


Introduction to OrangeLayer:

OrangeLayer is running an airdrop campaign to distribute Orange Points for free through its staking rewards system. Users can start earning Orange Points by staking wBTC on the Holesky testnet. Additionally, users can also earn points for free by participating in their Galxe campaigns. Users who collect points will likely receive an airdrop when their token goes live.


How OrangeLayer works:

OrangeLayer's operating model is based on three key dimensions: economic trust, decentralized trust, and cross-chain inclusive trust. Through these dimensions, it provides developers with a secure, decentralized, and interconnected infrastructure to promote distributed system innovation.

Economic Trust: OrangeLayer creates a financial commitment to the integrity of the network by staking Bitcoin within the platform and builds in economic barriers to malicious activity. This level of trust ensures that it is economically uneconomical for rational actors to act against the best interests of the system.

Decentralized Trust: OrangeLayer's trust model is built on a distributed network of validators, ensuring operational autonomy and minimizing the risk of conflict. This structure enhances the network's security against threats and promotes a secure, decentralized ecosystem.

Cross-chain inclusive trust: OrangeLayer innovatively combines the security capabilities of Bitcoin with the smart contract functionality of Ethereum to create a hybrid trust model that benefits from the strengths of both blockchain ecosystems. This cross-chain integration promotes the development of secure, efficient, and versatile applications and services.


OrangeLayer information data:

Ongoing Airdrops

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