
Claim Free IntentX Airdrop

Date: 2024-04-28 ~ 2024-05-19

State: Airdrop ends

Rating: ★★★★★

Focus on: 149 followers


IntentX airdrop introduction:

IntentX, as the next generation of over-the-counter derivatives trading platform, has brought revolutionary changes to the cryptocurrency market with its innovative technology and unique operating model. It not only provides perpetual futures trading, but also solves the key challenges of on-chain derivatives delivery through a series of cutting-edge technologies such as cross-chain communication, account abstraction, and SYMMIO settlement layer.


How to get IntentX airdrop:

1. Visit the IntentX official website.

2. Connect your Base, Mantle or Blast wallet.

3. Create an account.

4. Prepare some ETH (Base, Blast) or MNT (Mantle) to pay for the gas fee of the transaction, and USDC for trading. You can get ETH and USDC from Binance.

5. Use Mantle bridge to bridge USDC from Ethereum mainnet to Mantle and get some free Mantle (MNT) to cover gas fees.

6. You can also use Rhino.fi to bridge tokens from other networks to Base, Mantle, or Blast.

7. Return to IntentX and make any perpetual market trades.

8. You will receive points for your transactions.

9. If you sign up through the link above, your points will be increased by 15%.

10. You will also receive 15% of the points for each referred user.

11. IntentX has allocated a total of 2,000,000 INTX for this airdrop event.

12. Users who collect points will receive xINTX tokens after TGE.

13. For more information about the airdrop event, please check out this Medium article.


Introduction to IntentX:

To celebrate the launch of the open beta version of the platform, IntentX has launched an airdrop event to airdrop 2,000,000 INTX tokens to users who participate in transactions and accumulate points. Users only need to connect to the Base, Mantle or Blast wallet, create an account, and trade to earn points. In addition, by referring new users, you will also receive an additional 15% point reward. Points will be converted into xINTX, the staking form of INTX, after the Token Generation Event (TGE).


How IntentX works:

Deep Liquidity: Provide traders with the best price execution and efficient price discovery by bridging liquidity from centralized exchanges (CEX) to the chain.

Capital Efficiency: Employs a just-in-time (JIT) liquidity architecture that eliminates the need for solvers to pre-commit capital in order to stream quotes.

Non-fragmented liquidity: On-demand JIT liquidity provision means no idle liquidity is required to execute trades, enabling rapid multi-chain deployment and expansion.

Lower fees: There are no liquidity providers (LPs) as counterparties, reducing transaction costs and providing more value to xINTX stakers.

Reduced reliance on oracles: The quote system uses oracles only in very few dispute resolutions, while price discovery is done externally through a network of solvers.

Manage position risk: Isolate risk on derivative contracts through bilateral agreements and ensure solvency through rules-based clearing.


IntentX information data:

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