
Claim Free BounceBit Airdrop

Date: 2024-04-22 ~ 2024-05-02

State: Airdrop ends

Rating: ★★★★★

Focus on: 300 followers


BounceBit airdrop introduction:

BounceBit, supported by Breyer Capital, CEFFU and Mainnet Capital, is a staking chain designed specifically for Bitcoin. It not only provides a brand new smart contract execution environment for Bitcoin holders, but also introduces the concepts of app store and BounceBox, allowing users to quickly deploy their own decentralized applications (DApps) in the Bitcoin ecosystem.


How to get BounceBit airdrop:

1. Visit the airdrop page: Go to BounceBit’s airdrop page.

2. Connect your wallet: Connect your cryptocurrency wallet to the platform.

3. Use an invitation code: Get an invitation code from BounceBit’s Discord channel and enter it.

4. Social Media Account Binding: Connect your Twitter and Discord accounts with BounceBit.

5. Asset bridging: bridge at least $10 worth of supported tokens such as WBTC, USDT or BTCB, etc.

6. Earn Points: Start earning points based on the number of tokens you bridge.

7. Points Collection: Collect points from the "Hallway" section every day.

8. Invite Rewards: Invite friends to participate and earn 10% of their points.

9. Testnet participation: Users who have registered for the points activity can join the BounceBit testnet activity to get more airdrop opportunities.

10. BB Token: BounceBit will launch its own token “BB” and reward early users.

11. Airdrop opportunity: Users who participate in the testnet and points activities will have the opportunity to receive airdrops when BB tokens are launched.


Introduction to BounceBit:

BounceBit’s innovations include:

Smart Contract Environment: A dedicated smart contract execution environment is created for Bitcoin.

App Store and BounceBox: Users can easily deploy their own DApps within the BTC ecosystem.

Funding: Raised $6 million in funding from investors including Binance, dao5, and OKX Ventures.

Community Interaction: Interact with users through social media channels such as Discord and Twitter to enhance community engagement.


How BounceBit works:

BounceBit's operating model is based on the following core components:

Staking mechanism: Users participate in the BounceBit ecosystem by staking Bitcoin.

Smart Contract Platform: Provides a platform that allows developers to build and execute smart contracts on the Bitcoin blockchain.

App Store and BounceBox: Similar to the Apple App Store or Google Play Store, users can discover and deploy DApps.

Community Engagement: Enhance user engagement and community building through channels such as social media and Discord.

Token Economy: Launch its own token “BB” and incentivize early users and contributors through airdrop activities.


BounceBit information data:

Ongoing Airdrops

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