
Claim Free BlastOff Airdrop

Date: 2024-04-19 ~ 2024-05-12

State: ( 6 days left )

Rating: ★★★★★

Focus on: 379 followers


BlastOff airdrop introduction:

BlastOff, a revolutionary idle income startup platform and income aggregator built on the Blast blockchain, maximizes the income for users through Blast native income and YZone technology, as well as the YIDOs additional return mechanism. BlastOff not only provides a risk-free investment environment, but also brings additional income opportunities to users by funding new Blast projects.


How to get BlastOff airdrop:

1. Visit the BlastOff airdrop page.

2. Connect your Blast wallet.

3. You need to have ETH and/or USDB on Blast. You can get ETH from Binance.

4. Use Rhino.fi to bridge ETH from other networks to Blast L2. Use Thruster to exchange your ETH for USDB.

5. Click “YZone Vaults” and stake ETH or USDB.

6. Start earning OFFxPoints by staking tokens.

7. For every 1 ETH staked, you will receive 100 OFFxPoints.

8. Get 25% OFFxPoints from each referral.

9. All Blast Points and Blast Gold received by BlastOff will also be distributed to the stakers.

10. Join Galxe activities.

11. They have confirmed that they will airdrop 100,000 OFF tokens to Galxe participants who collect OFFxPoints, with 80% going to points holders and 20% to Galxe event participants.

12. For more information about the airdrop, check out this article.

13. For more information on the Blast Airdrop, Blast Points, and Blast Gold, check out our Blast Airdrop article.


Introduction to BlastOff:

BlastOff is airdropping 100,000 OFF tokens to Galxe participants who collect OFFxPoints. To participate in the airdrop, users need to stake ETH or USDB in the Blast wallet and start collecting OFFxPoints. Users will also receive 25% of OFFxPoints from each referral.


How BlastOff works:

BlastOff's operating model is based on the following key components:

YIDOs (Yield IDOs): This is a risk-free IDO protocol where users participate in IDOs without the risk of investment losses by staking ETH or stablecoins on the platform and allocating part of the generated revenue to YIDOs.

YZone Yield Aggregator: YZone automatically selects the best yield protocol and automatically reinvests returns, eliminating the need for manual intervention and ensuring that users can maximize their returns.

OFFToken: OFF tokens play a key role on the BlastOff platform. Through OFF staking and YZone deposits, users can increase their BlastForce and unlock more features such as larger YIDO allocations, lower fees, and heavier returns from the OFF treasury.

Blast Force & Governance: A user’s Blast Force determines their YIDO whitelist and participation, and can be increased by staking $OFF and depositing in YZone. Higher Blast Force levels also unlock higher governance participation.

Buy-Back & Burn: 50% of fees generated from YIDOs and YZone will be redirected to the $OFF buy-back and burn mechanism.

Yield Boost: By staking $OFF tokens, you can further increase your yield through YZone.

Earn OFF By participating in BLAST using BlastOff’s referral code, users can earn OFF tokens.

Through these mechanisms, BlastOff aims to provide users and developers with a secure, efficient and innovative cryptocurrency earnings platform.


BlastOff information data:

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