
Claim Free Bemo Airdrop

Date: 2024-04-24 ~ 2024-10-29

State: ( 164 days left )

Rating: ★★★★★

Focus on: 450 followers


Bemo airdrop introduction:

Bemo, a non-custodial liquid staking protocol on The Open Network (TON) blockchain, opens a new era of cryptocurrency staking. It is not only the first liquid staking application on the TON blockchain, but also brings unprecedented flexibility and profit potential to users.


How to get Bemo airdrop:

1. Visit Bemo official website and click “Stake Now”.

2. Stake TON to qualify for stXP tokens.

3. stXP is the reward token obtained by staking TON.

4. You can earn stXP by staking TON daily.

5. Earn additional stXP by providing liquidity and exchanging on decentralized exchanges (DEX).

6. The airdrop activity will last until the end of October 2024.

7. Users will receive 30% of stXP earnings directly in their TON wallet address.

8. Remaining stXP and newly earned tokens will be available for claiming in the app soon.

9. BMO tokens are expected to be released in Q4 2024, and stXP tokens are the only way to invest in Bemo.


Introduction to Bemo:

Bemo is an innovative non-custodial liquid staking protocol built on The Open Network (TON) blockchain. Bemo is designed to allow cryptocurrency investors to stake native TON tokens to obtain more liquid stTON tokens, thereby enjoying staking returns while maintaining asset flexibility.


How Bemo works:

Liquid staking mechanism: Users can obtain freely circulated stTON tokens by staking native TON tokens through the Bemo protocol. These tokens not only represent the staked TON, but can also be used freely in the field of decentralized finance (DeFi), realizing the dual advantages of capital liquidity and profitability.

Rewards appreciation: As the Bemo protocol accumulates staking rewards after each validation cycle, the price of stTON tokens against TON will increase accordingly, bringing value-added potential to users.

Team Background: Bemo was founded by a diverse and skilled team of traditional finance professionals, blockchain experts and software developers who are working together to build investment products that add value to every user.

Technical Strength: Bemo’s smart contract was developed by the Fanzee team, the first retail project launched on TON, focusing on innovation in sports fan interaction platforms. The technical team has seven years of experience in blockchain platform and application development.

Airdrop: Bemo announced that it will distribute 20% of the total BMO token supply to active users and community supporters. In the ongoing airdrop, users can get free stXP tokens by staking their TON, which will be converted to BMO in late 2024.


Bemo information data:

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