
Claim Free Astaria Airdrop

Date: 2024-04-23 ~ 2024-05-19

State: ( 13 days left )

Rating: ★★★★★

Focus on: 468 followers


Astaria airdrop introduction:

Astaria is an innovative decentralized lending protocol that supports ERC-20, ERC-1155 and ERC721 standard tokens. It allows users to create loans with fixed interest rates and unlimited terms. Astaria's goal is to allow borrowers to optimize their loan-to-value (LTV) and annualized yield (APY) through ascending rate auctions while reducing the need for user interaction.


How to get Astaria airdrop:

1. Visit Astaria's application page.

2. Connect your Base wallet.

3. Prepare some ETH or other tokens. You can get ETH through exchanges such as Binance.

4. Go to the “Intents” section and select the type of collateral you are willing to accept and the asset you are willing to lend or borrow.

5. Enter the amount and complete the transaction.

6. You will receive points based on the transaction value.

7. The more money you lend or borrow, the more points you get.

8. You can also get an extra 100 points by signing in every day.

9. Pay attention to possible token and airdrop activities launched by Astaria in the future.


Introduction to Astaria:

Astaria has raised $8 million from investors including Arrington and Wintermute, and has launched a points campaign to incentivize users to participate in lending. Users can accumulate points by lending tokens, and the more they borrow, the more points they collect. In addition, users can earn 100 points just by signing in every day.


How Astaria works:

Asset Support: Astaria supports multiple types of assets, including ERC-20, ERC-1155, and ERC721 tokens, which means users can borrow and lend using a wide range of crypto assets.

Fixed-rate loans: Users can create loans with fixed interest rates on Astaria. This design provides users with predictable borrowing costs and reduces uncertainty caused by market fluctuations.

Indefinite Loans: Unlike traditional fixed-term loans, Astaria allows users to set an indefinite loan, providing greater flexibility.

Increasing Rate Auction: Astaria uses an increasing rate auction mechanism to allow borrowers to optimize their LTV and APY through market bidding. The annualized rate of return (APY) of the loan will start from 0% and gradually increase to a preset value. This process lasts for 24 hours until a lender accepts the terms or the time expires.

Intent Broadcasting: Users can publicly broadcast their lending intent into an intent feed, which contains preset collateral and interest rate conditions for potential lenders or borrowers to view and respond to.

Risk Control: Unlike traditional pooled lending models, Astaria allows users to fully control which assets their capital will be loaned to, thereby reducing the risk of sudden drops in asset value.

Decentralized Governance: Astaria eliminates the need for a centralized “listing” process, enabling support for virtually any asset pairing, providing users with a broad range of choices from the outset.

No Oracles Required: Astaria’s design allows for the recall and refinancing of existing debt positions, meaning it does not rely on external oracles for price information, reducing the risk of oracle failure.

Points System and Potential Airdrops: Astaria introduces a points system that encourages users to accumulate points through lending. While there are no tokens yet, they may be issued in the future, and point collectors may receive airdrops when tokens are issued.

Leadership Team and Investors: Astaria is led by an experienced team with members from leading crypto companies in the industry and is backed by well-known investors in the industry.

User Interface and API: Lenders can monitor the intent feed through the user interface or Astaria API, permissionlessly fill any intent based on risk parameters, and can also create loan intents to match potential borrowers.

Liquidation Mechanism: A recall (liquidation) of a loan can be triggered when the lender deems the loan risk too high or wishes to recover the lent capital. During the recall process, Astaria automatically submits a new intent on behalf of the borrower, who can choose to obtain a new loan or simply repay the existing loan based on market conditions.


Astaria information data:

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